MSDS Sheets –
What are they? Can be for all chemicals, acrylics, gels, resins etc
MSDS are documents describing the known hazards associated with a material, indicating safe handling procedures and recommending responses to accidents and thus are invaluable sources of safety information. They are prepared by the Chemical Suppliers and by UK law must be sent to you if you buy a chemical but can be requested even if you are only thinking of buying. If you already have the chemical but the MSDS is lost or the material is so old that none came with it, most manufacturers are happy to fax a relevant MSDS on request. Many even make compilations of their data sheets available free of charge.
If you order a chemical, you are strongly advised to read the MSDS that comes with it and to file it away in a safe place for future reference. A laboratory library of MSDS relevant to the chemicals kept there constitutes a valuable safety resource. (In the United States the law requires that MSDS be kept available for all materials in an establishment.)
Store chemicals safely with lids on properly labelled and at room temperature in a locked cupboard. Always away from children and animals.