This can occur when the client is wearing artificial nails. If noticed in time, it is not a problem. The nail can be soaked off in acetone and a new one applied. If not attended to, it can lead to complete loss of nail.
Pseudomonas bacterial infection can occur between the natural nail plate and the nail bed, and/or between an artificial nail coating and the natural nail plate. Many people have been led to believe that the classic ‘green’ discoloration of this type of infection is some type of mould. In actuality, mould is not a human pathogen. The discoloration is simply a by-product of the infection and is caused primarily by iron compounds. Pseudomonas thrives in moist places; it feeds off the dead tissue and bacteria in the nail plate, while the moisture levels allow it to grow. The after effects of this infection will cause the nail plate to darken and soften underneath an artificial coating. The darker the discoloration, the deeper into the nail plate layers the bacteria has travelled. If the bacteria have entered between the nail plate and the nail bed, it will cause the same discolorations and may also cause the nail plate to lift from the nail bed.
A brownish green patch may appears on the surface of the natural nail and the extensions. Moisture becomes trapped between the natural nail and the structure. If left unattended, it can cause
Softening of the nail, a secondary infection, fungal infection, or complete loss of nail.
3 types of bacteria are : Cocci, bacilli, spirilli
Possible reasons:
Air bubble under the extension, too much product applied too thickly, not sufficiently blended round edges, no nail prep carried out, regular infills not carried out, misuse on the client’s part, nail has been knocked and has cracked and water seeps into the extension.
Action –
Remove nail straight away and reapply if all discolouration has gone. If discolouration goes darker, remove and do not reapply. If the nail goes black remove extensions and refer to GP. Remove varnish every 2-3 days to check if bacteria has not got any worse.