When applying eyelash extensions your ideal room temperature should be between 21c – 23c and your ideal humidity should be 55%.
This however can vary with different eyelash adhesives and it is always recommended you check with your supplier or manufacturer.
To monitor your humidity levels it is suggested that you purchase a hygrometer which measures the humidity/moisture in your treatment room.
If your humidity is too high?
A de-humidifier can lower the humidity by sucking in the air and removing the moisture into a tank within the unit and then releasing the air back into the room. A slower drying eyelash adhesive can also be considered.
Humidity too low?
A humidifier can help. This works by releasing water vapour into the air to increase humidity. This is ideal when you have the heating on and when the air can be dry. Alternatively a faster drying eyelash adhesive can be the solution to this problem.
Top Tips
Always keep the glue in the original packaging as this controls the humidity and in a dark cool place away from sunlight
Write down the date of purchase and opening of your glue
Keep the glue away from moisture and do not store in the fridge
Clean the glue nozzle before replacing the lid. Do not use cotton wool
Replace and tighten the lid to stop any moisture or air getting in to the glue
Make sure your room temperature is in the correct range so your glue stays consistent. Too hot or too cold the glue will not work well and retention will be poor.
If the environment is too hot or humid the adhesive will set faster.
Too cold or dry the adhesive will set slower and doesn’t cure as fast.